Thursday, October 2, 2008

Home remedies for getting rid of acne

« ...If you are dealing with a relatively mild case of acne, you may be able to eradicate it with a kinder and gentler from of acne control. But a tough case of acne will demand tough acne control measures, and you want your acne control choice to be commensurate with the job it has to do....
...Cucumber is a good idea. Smash a raw cucumber, make a pasta and then apply this pasta on your face for twenty minutes, then wash off and dry your face....»
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«...So, why are Tampa acne treatment centers so special? When you visit a dermatologist or an acne specialist, you will be able to try treatments that are currently unavailable to you. You will also be able to consult with a specialist who will be able to focus on the specific needs of your skin and address your acne concerns with a customized treatment plan. Acne treatments available at centers include:...»
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tags: benzoyl peroxide free acne products, diet to help acne, acne vs pimples

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